Welcome to InterOPERA

Unlocking the potential of HVDC grids for a sustainable future.

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What is InterOPERA?

The European Union wants to deploy 300 GW of offshore wind by 2050 to meet its climate targets and to reduce its dependence on fossil fuel. The most efficient way of transporting electricity from offshore wind is via multi-terminal high voltage direct current (HVDC) grids.

The project “Enabling interoperability of multi-vendor HVDC grids(InterOPERA), funded by Horizon Europe, unites 21 European partners to unlock the potential of HVDC grids and foster the transition of the European energy sector at large scale.

The InterOPERA project will define technical frameworks and standards for electricity transmission and accelerate the integration of renewable energy. Ensuring that HVDC systems, HVDC transmission systems or HVDC components from different suppliers can work together – making them “interoperable”- is a top priority to accelerate Europe’s energy transition.

InterOPERA’s main objective is to make future HVDC systems mutually compatible and interoperable by design, to improve the grid forming capabilities of offshore and onshore converters and pave the way for the first HVDC multi-terminal, multi-vendor, multi-purpose real-life projects in Europe.


Our Purpose

InterOPERA partners are working together to integrate offshore wind power into the European power system in the most efficient way to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

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Explore other HVDC EU-funded projects

The READY4DC Project, supported by Horizon Europe, aims to create and engage a community of experts that will assess and give recommendations on the major technical and legal aspects of designing and building an interoperable multi-vendor DC grid. One major objective is to prepare the ground for the development of the first multi-terminal, multi-vendor HVDC project in Europe.

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EU FlagCo-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Project details:

Duration: January 2023 – April 2027
Grant agreement: No.101095874