InterOPERA’s main objective is to make future HVDC systems mutually compatible and interoperable by design, and to improve the grid forming capabilities of offshore and onshore converters. Future HVDC systems will be modular. Thanks to common functional specifications and standard interfaces, modules based on different technologies and modules supplied by different manufacturers will be able to integrate seamlessly and operate together.
This project is not only about developing technical standards but also about agreeing on the procurement, commercial, legal and regulatory frameworks that will facilitate the tendering, building and operation of full-scale HVDC multi-terminal, multi-vendor, multi-purpose real-life applications anticipated by 2030.
InterOPERA overall objective is to achieve interoperability of multi-vendor HVDC grids by developing all relevant frameworks and performing the full scope of necessary activities concurring to the implementation of a real time physical demonstrator.
Specific objectives
- To make HVDC grids modular and interoperable by design.
- To standardise HVDC and wind power plant simulation models for assessment of interoperability
- To perform a real-time physical demonstration of a multi-vendor control and protection system, including grid forming control capability
- To pave the way to real-life Multi-Vendor, Multi-Terminal HVDC applications ready for future seamless system extension
- To develop grid forming control features to support onshore AC systems
- To secure multi-stakeholder cooperation, build confidence and uptake of the interoperability frameworks
5 sets of core activities

InterOPERA is divided in two phases:
- Phase 1 focuses on the development of the frameworks and on the definition of the functional specifications.
- Phase 2 concentrates on the real-time physical demonstrator where frameworks from phase 1 are applied and consolidated. This phase also defines the procurement strategy and prepares the future real-life projects.
As an outcome InterOPERA aims to enable real-life projects through commercial tenders.
Work Package details:
WP1 – Development of standardised interaction study processes and interface ▶
WP1 will define the requirements of the models and the control and protection cubicles that will be provided by the vendors to perform offline and real-time interaction studies. It will also carry out dry-run tests with template models and control and protection cubicles. WP leader: RTE
WP2 – Requirements and assessment of interoperability for multi-vendor multi-terminal HVDC systems ▶
Today, the technological base for multi-vendor multi-terminal systems is strong but HVDC technologies from different manufacturers are not compatible. WP2 will ensure that HVDC components from different suppliers can work together – making them “interoperable” and modular by design. WP leader: TenneT DE
WP3 – Multi-vendor multi-terminal demonstrator project ▶
InterOPERA will pave the way for the first HVDC multi-terminal, multi-vendor, multi-purpose real-life projects in Europe. But what is a demonstrator project? We need a definition and WP3 is working on that. WP3 will also work on the pre-design for HVDC grid sub-systems with the objective to align stakeholders and ensure that all essential sub-systems and specifications required for the InterOPERA demonstrator are timely designed and developed. WP leader: T&D Europe
WP4 – Cooperation framework and governance ▶
InterOPERA is a unique project bringing together more than 20 partners at the forefront of renewable energy development, power system operation, and grid management. Efficient cooperation and governance are critical for the success of such a project setup, and this is what WP4 focuses on. WP leader: Ørsted
WP5 – Procurement Strategy and Future Projects Preparation ▶
WP5 supports TSOs and developers in defining a procurement strategy for multi-terminal multi-vendor projects and provides common technical specifications for seamless tendering. It focuses on the allocation of responsibilities and liabilities and develops tendering processes to enable efficient and competitive procurement while adhering to EU procurement directives. WP leader: Amprion
WP6 – Communication, dissemination & exploitation ▶
WP6’s main objective is to raise awareness of InterOPERA’s activities, results, and expected outcomes, and maximize the impact of EU-funded research by executing appropriate and tailored communication and dissemination activities and by implementing an exploitation strategy. WP6 will also ensure continuous in-depth bidirectional exchange on the project’s results with relevant target groups and experts inside and outside the InterOPERA consortium. WP leader: WindEurope
WP7 – Management and coordination ▶
Every EU-funded project requires effective project management and coordination of activities, coordination of financial and administrative tasks, and effective liaison with the European Commission. And this is what WP7 is doing. WP leader: the SuperGrid Institute