
InterOPERA Consortium Meeting

On 12 April 2024, the InterOPERA Consortium gathered online for a scheduled meeting.


The main topics discussed by the members were:


  • Work Package news and updates;
  • Information about the scientific publications of the project;
  • Disseminating the project’s activities and engagements during WindEurope’s Annual Event in Bilbao and
  • A new reiteration of the Code of Conduct;


A round of thanks for all the participants and their contributions to the progression of the project!

The meeting slides and agenda will be uploaded soon!


InterOPERA Stakeholder Committee – 1st Technical Workshop



On 14 March 2024 the first of a series of the InterOPERA technical workshops took place. This inaugural workshop, which focused on selected deliverables prepared by the experts of Work Package 1 (Development of standardised interaction study processes and interfaces) and Work Package 3 (Multi-vendor multi-terminal demonstrator project), was conducted fully online. It featured presentations from Réseau de Transport d’Électricité (RTE) and TenneT, as well as a variety of professionals and experts from the Stakeholder Committee (SC).

The first part of the workshop, led by RTE, focused on defining standard interfaces and requirements for models, real-time systems, and simulation platforms. This session was followed by a general discussion involving the stakeholder committee. The second part of the workshop, focusing on demonstrator definition and system design studies, was led by Vincent Tackenberg and Johannes Welsch – both from TenneT. After, Alexandra Bonner – RTE led a discussion on HVDC modelling and simulation interaction studies.

The Stakeholder Committee was officially formed in late 2023 and it includes experts from 27 organisations.
This Committee was created to ensure that stakeholders impacted by the project’s results are exclusively informed on a regular basis on the project status and results, provide feedback and inputs to the project deliverables.

The Stakeholder Committee provided valuable feedback and inputs on the project deliverables, exchanged views on potential exploitation routes for the project demonstrator and engaged the keynote speakers with technical questions and observations.

The presentation slides are available here & here.

The workshop report is available here.


InterOPERA – General Assembly January 2024

On 22-24 January our HVDC experts met in Groningen, one of the main hubs of the energy transition, to showcase the latest updates from all the work packages and upcoming deliverables of Work Package 2:

  • Grid forming functional requirements;
  • The report on Lab demonstration of the multi-terminal multi-vendor HVDC system and investigation of the interaction studies.

Moreover, the experts shared the progress update on the multi-party cooperation framework – crucial guidelines that will drive cooperation in future multi-vendor HVDC projects.

A preliminary version of these guidelines will be out soon!