D4.2 – Multi-Party Cooperation Framework now released!

Preliminary Draft with Focus on Information Sharing

Smooth cooperation between stakeholders is essential for the development of multi-vendor multi-terminal (MVMT) high-voltage direct current (HVDC) electricity grids that enable the European energy transition at large scale.

This report is the preliminary draft of a Multi-Party Cooperation Framework, prepared by the InterOPERA Work Package 4 “Cooperation framework and governance”.

The Cooperation Framework establishes guidelines that will drive cooperation in future MVMT HVDC projects while clearly defining the roles, duties, and responsibilities of the different parties.

The draft Framework is a work in progress and project partners are still in the process of discussing key issues, such as confidentiality and non-disclosure obligations or whether and how liability will be dealt with. In the following years, the Cooperation Framework will be further negotiated, and changes will be made accordingly until the final version in December 2026.

The preliminary draft has been prepared to support the second phase of InterOPERA which is set to begin in January 2025 and will focus on the procurement strategy and the real-time physical demonstrator.

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