The first General Assembly of InterOPERA took place in Brussels on 26 and 27 June. The meeting was hosted by Elia Group, one of the InterOPERA project partners.
Three keynote speakers opened the event and set the scene. Reynaert Jelle from Elia Group, reminded participants about the ambitious EU energy targets and the important role of interoperability. Then Martin Koning, also from Elia Group continued with some updates on the future Energy Island Princess Elisabeth.
Mark van Stiphout, Deputy Head of Unit – Research, Innovation, Digitalisation, Competitiveness at DG Energy, and highlighted InterOPERA’s role in the deployment of offshore wind energy and the creation of a strong, meshed offshore grid able to transport the energy ashore.
During the two-day meeting InterOPERA work package leaders provided updates on the project activities and discussed different issues related to the project implementation in dedicated workshops.
Elia Group prepared an aftermovie of the meeting! Watch the video below: